Welcome to Before the Dawn, the approved fanlisting for the anime and manga series Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer). Kimetsu no Yaiba follows the story of Kamado Tanjiro, who begins his journey as a demon slayer in order to return his demon-transformed sister to being a human. Not sure what a fanlisting is? Put simply, it is an online list of fans of a particular subject. All you need to join is a name/alias, a working e-mail address, and to provide your country. If you are a fan of the Kimetsu no Yaiba anime and/or manga, please consider joining us! ♥
Last updated: 20th October 2024
Member count: 1, from 1 countries (+ 0 pending)
b a c k . c l e a r . f o r w a r d Before the Dawn is © Samantha, however Kimetsu no Yaiba is © Gotouge Koyoharu, Ufotable, and other rightful owners. Before the Dawn is a part of AFTER-DEATH.ORG.